
My current research fields are biogeography, macroecology and global changes, with a particular interest in the effect of climate change on biodiversity. Besides theoretical interests in understanding large scale ecological processes, I give special attention to species conservation.

Earlier works focussed on temperate and tropical amphibian and reptile species. My main focal study areas were western France and Madagascar.

I started a PhD funded by LabEx BC-Div, on the effect of climate change on avian body size. There is mounting evidence that climate change affects body size, with species exhibiting either increase or decrease through time. To date, the underlying mechanisms of these patterns remain poorly understood. In collaboration with Isabelle Le Viol, Pierre-Yves Henry, Céline Teplitsky, Alexandre Robert and Romain Julliard, we will attempt to disentangle the morphological species response to global change by addressing the following issues:

  • What is the main driver of species body size change: temperature or food availability? For which species?
  • Which species increase in size with climate change, which species decrease, and which species do not change? Which traits explain these contrasted responses?
  • Are these changes adaptive? Will climate-driven body size change modify selective pressures?

This work will enable us to predict species body size response to global change, and provide new insights for biodiversity conservation.


Piludu N, Dubos N, Razafimanahaka JH, Razafindraibe P, Christian J, Jenkins RKB (2015) Distribution , threats and conservation of a Critically Endangered amphibian ( Mantella aurantiaca ) in Eastern Madagascar. Herpetology Notes, 8, 119–123.

Leroy B, Bellard C, Dubos N et al. (2014) Forecasted climate and land use changes, and protected areas: the contrasting case of spiders (ed Bradley B). Diversity and Distributions, 20, 686–697.

Dubos N, Piludu N, Andriantsimanarilafy RR, Randrianantoandro JC (2014) New findings of Phelsuma grandis and P . laticauda ( Sauria : Gekkonidae ) at the southern edge of the range of the endangered Phelsuma serraticauda in eastern Madagascar. Herpetology Notes, 7, 21–23.

Dubos N (2013) New locality record for Phelsuma grandis ( Sauria : Gekkonidae ) in Reunion , in sympatry with the critically endangered Phelsuma inexpectata. Herpetology Notes, 6, 309–311.