Mécanismes adaptatifs & Evolution

Unité mixte de recherche 7179




New paper in Current Biology by the FUNEVOL team

  A new paper by the FUNEVOL team was just published online in Current Biology.   Abstract: The terrestrialization process involved dramatic changes in the cranial anatomy of vertebrates. The ...

New paper by Ameline Bardo

  A new paper by Ameline Bardo was just published in the Journal of Human Evolution Abstract: Approximately 90% of the human population is right-handed. The emergence of this hand preference in humans ...

New paper by Emmanuelle Pouydebat

  New paper by Emmanuelle Pouydebat on manipulation potential in primates was just published in Interface. Abstract: Primates, and particularly humans, are characterized by superior manual dexterity ...

La Guyan' à Panam'

Aurélie Albert et Pierre-Michel Forget sont auteurs d'un article présentant les interactions plantes-animaux et prédateurs-proies au sein de la biozone Amazonie-Guyane du Parc Zoologique de Paris ...

Pierre-Michel Forget élu vice-Président de la Society for Tropical Ecology - gtö

  The Society for Tropical Ecology (formerly Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie e.V., gtö) promotes and communicates new and emerging knowledge among tropical ecologists to advance the understanding of ...

New paper by FUNEVOL just published in PNAS

  A new paper including members of the FUNEVOL team published online this week team describes how fish partition the soundscape. Abstract: The underwater environment is more and more being depicted as ...

Réseaux d'interactions en Thaïlande

Première mission d' Aurélie Albert (avril-mai) et de Pierre-Michel Forget (mai), en collaboration avec Colin Fontaine (CESCO, MNHN, Paris) et Géraldine Véron (ISYEB, MNHN, Paris) en Thaïlande. Cette ...

Sheema Abdul Aziz at ATBC-AP Chapter meeting

Seema Abdul Aziz is attending the 9th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation Asia – Pacific Chapter betwene 30 march-2 April 2015 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. "The Future ...

New paper by Alexandra Houssaye

Alexandra Houssaye just published a new paper in PLOSONE in the context of her ANR project. Read the abstract below: Cetacea are secondarily aquatic amniotes that underwent their land-to-sea ...

New postdoctoral researcher

Maïtena Dumont obtained a grant from the 'Fondation des Treilles' for her project entitled '3D organization of long-bone mid-shaft in extreme terrestrial locomotion conditions'. She will be working as ...

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