Mécanismes adaptatifs & Evolution

Unité mixte de recherche 7179

Archives : août 2018

Appel à candidature pour stage Master 2 Recherche ECOTROP | Commentaires : 0

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New paper by BIOADAPT: common birds are larger in years with high primary production | Commentaires : 0

During his PhD, Nicolas Dubos worked at distinguishing the direct effects of temperature on juvenile body size from the indirect effets of temperature via primary production, in temperate common songbirds (41 species from all over France, with the

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New paper in PLOS Biology | Commentaires : 0

Former FUNEVOL engineer Paul-Antoine Libourel and Anthony Herrel just had a paper accepted in PLOS Biology on the evolution of sleep in vertebrates with a special focus on lizards ! Here is the title: Libourel, P-A., B. Barrillot, S. Arthaud, B.

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