
Articles in peer-reviewed journals, published conference abstracts, etc.

Peer-reviewed journal articles:
  1. Terray L*, Plateau O*, Abourachid A, Böhmer C, Delapré A, de la Bernardie X and Cornette R (2020) Modularity of the neck in birds (Aves). Evolutionary Biology. DOI: 10.1007/s11692-020-09495-w. (*Equal authorship)
  2. Böhmer C, Prevoteau J, Duriez O and Abourachid A (2020) Gulper, ripper and scrapper: anatomy of the neck in three species of vultures.Journal of Anatomy 236 (4): 701-723. DOI: 10.1111/joa.13129.
  3. Puverel C, Abourachid A, Böhmer C, Leban J-M, Svoboda  M and Paillet Y (2019) This is my spot: what are the characteristics of the trees excavated by the Black Woodpecker? A case study in two managed French forests. Forest Ecology and Management 453: 117621. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117621.
  4. Böhmer C, Plateau O, Cornette R and Abourachid A (2019). Correlated evolution of neck length and leg length in birds. Royal Society Open Science 6: 181588. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.181588.

Conference papers:

  1. Böhmer C, Fasquelle B, Furet M, Wenger P and Abourachid A (2019). Combining precision and power to maximize performance: a case study of the woodpecker’s neck. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Supplement for the International French Society of Biomechanics 2019 Conference, Poitiers, France.
  2. Fasquelle B, Furet M, Abourachid A, Böhmer C, Chablat D, Chevallereau C and Wenger P (2019) Modelling, design and control of a bird neck using tensegrity mechanisms, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Tensegrity Workshop, Montreal, Canada, 2019
  3. Furet, M. & Wenger, P.  (2018). Kinetostatic analysis of tensegrity structures: Application to bird neck modeling. [PDF]
  4. van Riesen, A., Furet, M., Chevallereau, C., & Wenger, P. (2018). Dynamic Analysis and Control of an Antagonistically Actuated Tensegrity Mechanism. In ROMANSY 22–Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (pp. 481-490). Springer, Cham. [PDF]
  5. Furet M and Wenger, P (2018), "Workspace and cuspidality analysis of a 2-X planar manipulator", 4th IFToMM Symposium on Mechanism Design for Robotics, 2018.
  6. Furet M, van Riesen A, Chevallereau C and Wenger P (2018) Optimal design of tensegrity mechanisms used in a bird neck model, European Conference on Mechanism Science, 2018. [PDF]
  7. Furet M, Lettl M and Wenger P (2018) Kinematic Analysis of planar tensegrity 2-X manipulators, 16th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics, 2018.[PDF]

Published conference abstracts:

  1. Abourachid A and Böhmer C (2019). The neck of the birds, from for to function. International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM) in Prague, Czech Republic.
  2. Böhmer (2019). He would forget his head if it wasn't screwed on: The neck as key innovation in tetrapod evolution. International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM) in Prague, Czech Republic.
  3. Puverel C, Abourachid A, Böhmer C, Leban J-M and Paillet Y (2019). This is my spot: characteristics of trees bearing Black Woodpecker cavities. 8th International Woodpecker Meeting in Bialowieza, Poland.
  4. Böhmer C, Plateau O, Abourachid A and Cornette R (2018). When development meets mechanical forces: new insights into the morphogenesis of the vertebral column in birds. 2nd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology in Montpellier, France.
  5. Böhmer C, Aladini M, Chummun V, Plateau O, Cornette R, Duriez O and Abourachid A (2018). Ripper vs. gulper: biomechanical adaptations in the neck of sympatic vultures. International Ornithological Congress (IOC) in Vancouver, Canada.
  6. Böhmer C, Plateau O, Cornette R and Abourachid A (2018). What is a long neck? The effects of scaling relationships between skeletal dimensions and body size in living and fossils birds. International Paleontological Congress (IPC) in Paris, France.
  7. Abourachid A, Plateau O, Cornette R, Van Wassenbergh S, Provini P and Böhmer C (2018). Avineck, the neck of birds, an arm for robots. Society for Experimental Biology (SEB) in Florence, Italy.
  8. Böhmer C, Aladini M, Chummun V, Plateau O, Cornette R, Duriez O and Abourachid A (2018). Ripper vs. gulper: biomechanical adaptations in the neck of sympatric vultures. Society for Experimental Biology (SEB) in Florence, Italy.
  9. Böhmer C, Plateau O, Cornette R and Abourachid A (2018). What is a long neck? The effects of scaling relationships between skeletal dimensions and body size in birds. Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology (SICB) in San Francisco.

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