It is our pleasure to confirm that the 10th International Seminar on Apterygota will be held at “Ecole Supérieure du Professorat et de l’Education de Paris” (ESPE de Paris) on the 17th to the 21st of June 2019 in Paris (France). 

This Seminar has taken place roughly every four years for more than 40 years. It aims to bring together researchers from around the world working on Apterygota, a paraphyletic group that includes the five clades of basal hexapods (Collembola, Protura, Diplura, Microcoryphia and Zygentoma).

Organizers Cyrille D’Haese1, Thomas Tully2 & Jean-Marc Thibaud1

1 MECADEV, UMR 7179 CNRS/MNHN, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris France
2 Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, UMR 7618 CNRS, ESPE de l'Académie de Paris - Sorbonne Université, Paris France