IPC5 in Paris

The 5th International Palaeontological Congress (IPC5) took place in Paris, France. The Avineck team was represented by postdoc Christine Böhmer.

Almost 1000 delegates from 60 contries joined during the Fossil Week to present their latest results and to discuss their research at the IPC5 in Paris from 9-13 July 2018. The congress is organized every four years under the auspices of the International Palaeontological Association. After Sydney (Australia) in 2002, Beijing (P.R. China) in 2006, London (United Kingdom) in 2010 and Mendoza (Argentina) in 2014, it was convened in Paris (France). 

Avineck postdoc Christine Böhmer gave a presentation on the neck of birds in the symposium S7 Birds in the past environments.

Oral presentation by Christine:

Böhmer C, Plateau O, Cornette R and Abourachid A (2018). What is a long neck? The effects of scaling relationships between skeletal dimensions and body size in living and fossils birds. International Paleontological Congress (IPC) in Paris, France.

See our full list of published conference abstracts.